Monday, July 26, 2010


I looked at John Key's Twitter. It is obviously done by his PR people. It gives a very positive image of our PM and some great photos of overseas trips and sporting contacts.

NZ History Online is very different. Much more academic with a snippet of history for each day of the year. When you go into individual articles you get a full "this week in history" at the end of the entry. There was a recent entry for Maori Week which gave 365 useful words and phrases in te reo Maori. Lots of variety in the tweeting! Nothing very exciting when I put in my birth date in history. We lost a cricket match in 1955 with the dismal number of 26 runs! and we signed a CER agreement in 1983.

I did set up a Twitter account the first time round with Web 2.0. Small talk is not my thing so so I haven't bothered using the account. People like Stephen Fry have a great reputation cos they love to tweet and people love to follow celebraties.

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