Saturday, September 27, 2008

# 14 Library Thing and cataloguing

I must remember to use this tool. It beats having to look for the lists I usually make in the back of my journal. I loaded one title that no one else had in the world of Library Thing, probably because it is a New Zealand publication about A1 and A2 milk. I really enjoy the social networking that is possible. Working in a library you are never short of a good read but you could certainly broaden your horizons following other people's recommendations on-line wherever you are. You can have your own personal library in your pocket!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

# 13 (week 6) Image generators

Used FD Toys to create a poster of my daughter's cat and I have posted it on my facebook in a new photo album .

This is fun. I used Letter James to doctor this Paris sign

#12 (Week5) Add an entry to the Learning 2.0Sandbox wiki

Have been using a Wetpaint wiki for sometime now. Great way of communicating with others and also for documenting a history of what is going on in your personal or professional life. I really like the term SandBox. The opportunities are only limited by one's imagination.

Monday, September 22, 2008

#11 Wikis

Great for collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. The lack of editorial control is a problem for academia but as all users are potential authors it is a plus that everyone can contribute their expertise or opinion without needing to know HTML. This makes it very easy for an organisation to set up an in house wiki which potentially everyone can contribute to equally.
They are a great communication tool if you want content from people outside the library. Wikis can be set up for specific events such as conferences or be ongoing such as book promotion lists.

#10 Web 2.0, Library 2.0

So much of what we are learning from 23 things we will be able to apply immediately to our library services. We need to rethink the way we do things and concentrate on using Web 2.0 to link people to each other and their information needs. It could be as simple as a library blog or wiki. Readers could blog reviews or be allowed a forum to discuss what their needs are. All we need is a moderator. We have the technology already and now we have the enthusiasm. No longer do the staff wonder what a blog is, or why Facebook and Youtube are so attractive to our patrons.

Friday, September 19, 2008

#9 (Week4) Exploring Technorati and learning how tags work with blog posts

7,471 results for Learning 2.0 in Technorati Blog posts. Really interesting Welsh article on use of cell phone technology in the classroom has created lots of comment. The study found that kids enjoyed using their cellphones to access the internet and felt motivated to learn. Some people thought it a crazy idea but hey, it has to be the way to go. My daughter would be in seventh heaven with the technology access. Okay we'd have more short sightedness and arguments over lost cellphones but if well moderated it could be a great enhancement for some kids learning styles.
Under the Blog Directory had a quick look at and decided that this is definitely too technical a blog for me. It's another language!
Going into the tags linked to Learning 2.0 under videos gave just eight videos from different nationalities. Under blogs there were 109 with the tag "learning 2.0", lots of like minded librarians doing 23 things.
It gave me the option to change the level of authority and the language of the blog posts I got. It must be a huge job moderating what gets posted. Gives access to related tags and the most recent post I found was posted 18 minutes ago.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#8 (Week 4) Tagging and

This social bookmarking service would be great for organising study topics for students. Its portability makes it so much more versatile than the old method of using Favourites. I had a go with saving web sites with free crossstitch patterns. By tagging with the individual subjects I will be able to come back when I have the time and choose to look at the individual topics rather than having to go back into each webpage or wait until I'm on my home computer to search my Favourites. When I put in the topic tramping I came up with a lot of NZ sites as hiking is the preferred term overseas. With tagging I can put both on any site I save and this makes it more accessible to others.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Exercise #7.2 was great for snippets of news. By the time I'd looked at my RSS feeds as well I was saturated with many of the same stories. was overwhelming. Had a quick look for an interesting podcast. Could even listen to French but with my hazy language skills they all seemed to be of a religious nature. I related best to Technorati. Found a video on tendonitis which is relevant to me at the moment. My life will never be the same. There are so many possibilities both personally and professionally to broaden one's horizons.